this time,I want to share some pictures when I visited the
pasar seni itb with my friends a week ago.ini adalah suatu event yang hanya ada 4 tahun sekali,yang diadakan oleh
institut tekhnologi bandung.actually it's my dream college.
dalam event ini cukup banyak mahakarya-mahakarya yang dipamerkan,tapi sangat disayangkan sebenarnya gue dan teman-teman gue tidak terlalu banyak mendokumentasikan karya-karya tersebut dalam sebuah photo atau media lainnya.karena seperti yang kita tau mungkin ada ribuan orang yang menghadiri event ini...so u know belum lagi sinar matahari yang sangat menyengat pada siang itu.

some paintings

I dont understand with this one lol
it's like a combination of bamboo or rattan perhaps

me with some paintings

me with my freaky friend
heidy in front of the statue in the exhibition :)

they like a bunch of monkeys hahaha

what's this!!

I call them is freaky friends but we are good friends so far
from left to right : me (filikh),heidy,coki,tami,yogi and behind adit

my friend friska a.k.a coki with her boyfriend fadhel haha

adit was reading the map

tami and heidy

are u tired yogi?

setelah keliling kesana kemari gue berkesimpulan bahwa,we prefer to pose then an art exhibition hahaha

see,bule keren aja pngen banget photo bareng gue.hey you go away pliiiiss....

from left to right icong,tami,me (filikh),coki,heidy

icong with kak yogi

with some anime figures,seems so hahaa cos I never knew any of them

my looks
I'm wearing : gray studded military jaket//pop art prints in tee//black skinny jeans//tote bags with triangle accent by me//zara shoes
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